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阿卡迪亚中央车站是一个可扩展的IP对讲平台,将FreeSpeak无线和HelixNet有线对讲用户站与Dante集成在一起, 2-Wire and 4-Wire interfaces in a compact 1RU device. 阿卡迪亚紧凑的1RU外形能够混合180个音频信号, features front panel intercom user station, fast and easy setup, configuration and monitoring.
Arcadia can integrate various HelixNet endpoints.
Arcadia can integrate various Encore analog partyline endpoints.
Central Control and Monitoring of Arcadia.
Quick charger and long-lasting batteries for FreeSpeak beltpacks.
Headsets and microphones for Arcadia endpoints.
The HKB-2X speaker station is a 4-gang flush-mountable user station.
HelixNet HRM-4X远程站是1RU 4通道对讲用户站.
The HXII-BP beltpack is a two-channel intercom user station.
Single open-ear, lightweight headset with a dynamic microphone.
Single-ear standard headset with cardioid dynamic microphone.
Double-ear standard headset with cardioid dynamic microphone.
GM series with 3-conductor, quarter-inch phone plug connectors.
The AC60 charger charges up to five FS II beltpacks simultaneously.
The BAT60 battery charges FreeSpeak II 1.9 and 2.4GHz beltpacks.
The BAT80 lithium-ion battery charges FreeSpeak Edge beltpacks.
Premium lightweight wrap around dual ear headset.
Integration of both wired and wireless partyline systems. The 1RU device provides 2-wire, 4-wire, SFP and GPIO connections allowing both analog and digital intercom capability including the full range of FreeSpeak® products (E1/IP TCVRs; 1.9, 2.4 and 5 GHz beltpacks), HelixNet® Wired Intercom (HRM-4X, HKB-2X, and HXII-BP), and Dante Audio Network Interfaces.
中央车站允许用户将端口数量增加到128个,端口许可证以16个为增量. As the need for greater capacity grows or a new feature is needed, 现场部署许可端口升级可用于增加阿卡迪亚对讲机的占地面积.
With a multitude of third-party devices running on IP, 中央车站提供了极大的灵活性,允许通过64个许可端口与Dante设备通信.
该系统通过重新设计的核心配置管理器(CCM™)进行配置,从而实现快速设置, configuration and monitoring. 直观的用户界面具有一致的设计,可以快速简单地配置基于角色的腰带包的中央车站, including save and restore, text messaging, individual beltpack and group call signal and remote mic kill.
A Performance Center could have multiple theaters, multiple dressing rooms, 一个木工区和额外的票房和行政空间. 阿卡迪亚中央车站是一个1RU设备,支持多达32个来自FreeSpeak所有三个频段的腰带包. 通过灵活的端口许可系统,可以增加64个Dante和AES67端口. 该设备还容纳2线和4线端口,以添加模拟对讲设备和第三方设备. 这种可伸缩性使得用单个设备覆盖整个Performance Center成为现实. 特色亚洲最大体育平台:阿卡迪亚中央车站FSE-BP50、FSE-TCVR-50、fsi - bp19、KB-702
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一个大型的教会制作团队必须管理多个牧师和演讲者, singers, band members, mobile mics in the crowd and more. 允许制作人员在教堂的不同区域自由移动,同时仍然与团队的其他成员保持沟通,提供了无缝和顺利的现场交付. 阿卡迪亚中央车站的灵活性为团队提供了一个1RU设备,为多个FreeSpeak频段供电. 2线连接点为像Encore这样的传统模拟系统赋予了新的生命. 特色亚洲最大体育平台:阿卡迪亚中央车站FSE-BP50 FSE-TCVR-50 fsi - spl fsi - tcvr fsi - bp MS-704